Important Notice!

Important Notice!

It is with great sadness that we inform you we're closing our store located at 1278 Wapakoneta Ave, Sidney OH

But that doesn't mean we're going out of business! It will be business as usual on our website as we continue to bring you new, stylish and trending fashion accessories and merchandise!

Here are some important details about the physical store closing you need to know:
  1. Physical Store Close: The last day the store location will be open is May 29, 2020. Our Tuesday through Saturday store schedule/hours will remain the same until further notice.
  2. Inventory Reduction Sale: We are reducing our inventory which means you'll save on new and stylish spring/summer merchandise already in stock. Our inventory reduction sale starts this week with 30% off of all in-stock Accessories, Apparel, Gifts/Novelties, Handbags, Home Decor, Jewelry, OSU and Personal Care merchandise!
  3. Store Displays, Fixtures, Seasonal Decor: We will also sell all store displays, fixtures and seasonal decor at fixed prices or best offer. Please bear with us as we price these items.
  4. CR Designs Gift Card: If you have an unused CR Designs gift card, please know that the cards are still valid and can be used during the inventory reduction sale and/or for merchandise purchased on the CR Designs website. (To use them on the website, please email us at to learn more.)
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your years of support, shopping, friendship and love at CR Designs! We will continue to keep you in style on our website.

If you have any questions or concerns about the closing of our physical location, please do not hesitate to contact me at (937) 710-4185 or email


Owner, CR Designs / Willow Piper Fashion Boutique
CR Designs

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